
Course Calendar

Page history last edited by David Shutkin 14 years, 2 months ago

ED253 School & Society -- Calendar and Course Outline 

Tuesday & Thursday:  3:30PM-4:45PM

Tuesday August 31


Welcome to ED253 

Course Introductions

Trace Patterson, Coordinator for Community-Based Learning Center for Service and Social Action


Thursday September 2   Foundations of American Schooling


  • Friday 3 September: 2nd annual Service and Nonprofit Internship Fair: 11:30-1:30 (Dolan Atrium)
  • Blog support after class or by appointment;
  • IntroductionTime Line


  1. Teaching to Change the World   Introduction
  2. Teaching to Change the World   Chapter 1: The American Schooling Dilemma: Diversity, Inequality, and Democratic Values


  • Initial questions about the course, course syllabus, assignments and so forth;
  • Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a classroom? 
  • Questions about Service Learning;
  • Based on your reading and understanding of the significance of chapter 1, please author 2-3 questions.  (These can be factual, philosophical, ethical, practical...).
  • Take a few moments to free write:  Possible first entries for your Time Line.



Assignment Due:  Weblog Introductions


Friday 3 September:  2nd annual Service and Nonprofit Internship Fair: 11:30-1:30 (Dolan Atrium)
Join the Center for Service and Social Action and the Center for Career Services for this exciting annual event on Friday, September 3rd, from 11:30am-1:30pm in the atrium of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology. Over fifty community partners from across the Cleveland area will be on hand to meet with interested JCU students, staff, and faculty members to share about their work in our community and about ways that YOU can get involved through service activities, service learning, and service internships. Registration for Fall service placements will open at 1:30PM on the day of the fair. See you there!


Tuesday September 7  Foundations of American Schooling  



NCSL (National Commission on Service Learning), Learning in Deed. (2002). Learning in Deed: The Power of Service-Learning for American Schools.


Viewing and Discussion: Learn and Serve America


Assignment Due: Time Line I

Thursday September 9 -- No Class Rosh Hashana 5771 begins at sundown on Wed, 8 September 2010.



Tuesday September 14   Foundations of American Schooling



  • SL Conference Period
  • Changes to calendar 
  • Reading for 9/30 TBA very soon: On the role of critical inquiry, self-reflection and questioning personal assumptions. 
  •  Grade Book
  • Waiting For "Superman" | Trailer & Official Movie Site | Pledge Now
  • Any student who has completed or will complete ED100, ED186, and ED253 by the end of the Fall 2010 semester is eligible to apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.  Application materials can be picked up in Rhonda Harrison's office (Ad 324)beginning Monday September 13 through Friday September 17.  All applications MUST be completed and returned to Rhonda Harrison by Friday Oct. 1, 2010.  Interviews for the Teacher Education Program will be held from Oct. 18-29, 2010.




ReadingNCSL (National Commission on Service Learning), Learning in Deed. (2002). Learning in Deed: The Power of Service-Learning for American Schools.


Viewing and Discussion: Learn and Serve America


Thursday September 16  Foundations of American Schooling  


Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 2: History and Culture: Wrestling with the Traditions of American Education


Photographs from the Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, PA.

 Thomas Torlino at the Carlisle School (1886)


Additional images and text:



Monday September 20


Service learning experiences begin and run through Sunday, December 5th.


Tuesday September 21      Foundations of American Schooling

Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 3: Philosophy and Politics: The Struggle for the American Curriculum




Thursday September 23



This Just In-->   NCATE Unit Standards: Standard One:  Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions


This Just In-->  John Carroll University Department of Education and Allied Studies Conceptual Framework


This Just In--> Department of Education and Allied Studies, Provisional Definitions of Selected Priority Dispositions


Reading: Larrivee, B. (2000). Transforming Teaching Practice: becoming the critically reflective teacher. Reflective Practice. 1(3).  293-307. 





Assignment Due:SL WebLog2    (Please note:  There is no need to send me a link to your blog posts; when a post is due, I will visit your blog).



The Ladder of Inference I

The Ladder of Inference II


Tuesday September 28   The Practice of Teaching to Change the World


Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 4: The Subject Matters: Making School Knowledge Meaningful


Ohio Department of Education Content Standards

Academic Content Standards which are to be clearly defined statements and/or illustrations of what all students, teachers, schools and districts are expected to know and be able to do.


Taylor Mali On What Teachers Make


Thursday September 30


Reading:    Mitton-Kükner, J., Nelson, C., and Desrochers, C. (2010). Narrative inquiry in service learning contexts: Possibilities for learning about diversity in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(5), 1162-1169. 


"Boyle-Baise's (2002) conceptual framework of service [...] provides a useful lens for reconsidering the ‘service’ dimension of the service learning experience with a view to creating an inquiry-focused experience that, rather than being a ‘peek across borders’ (Boyle-Baise, 2002) to learn about others, might become a ‘borderland’ experience (Anzaldúa, 1987/1999) to learn about ‘self in relation with others’."


Discussion: Service Learning and Narrative Inquiry  


Assignment Due: Blog3: Based on your reading for class, please write five questions and/or five statements to guide and inform class discussion. 

Tuesday October 5  The Practice of Teaching to Change the World

Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 5: Instruction: Classrooms as Learning Communities




Resources: Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center Research Databases


Viewing: Another Brick in the Wall


...traditional teaching assumes that all students should learn the same things in the same way at the same time. Such lessons make students' differences conspicuous and troublesome, and they virtually guarantee that the teacher and class will lose confidence in at least some students' capacity or willingness to learn. p. 174


Vygotsky viewed thought as the internalization of experiences in the social context.  Thus the 'location' of [...]learning and knowledge cannot be specified as being in individual students' heads, in the classroom culture at large, or in the relationship among students.  It is, in a word, sociocultural. p. 189


Discussion: Classrooms as Learning Communities and the SL Proposal Commentary

Thursday October 7


Reading:   Dunn-Kenney, M. (2010). Can Service Learning Reinforce Social and Cultural Bias? Exploring a Popular Model of Family Involvement for Early Childhood Teacher Candidates. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31(1), 37-48. 


Discussion: Reading and Role playing Dunn-Kenney


Assignment Due: Time Line II


Tuesday October 12   The Practice of Teaching to Change the World



Assignment Due: SL Essay Proposal


SL Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your SL Essay Proposal


Thursday October 14


Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 6: Assessment: Measuring What Matters

Discussion:  1. Assessment and time line; 2. Writing Circles and responsibility (a brief contract signed by group members). 


/ Service Learning Essay / SL Proposal Commentary / SL Essay Proposal / 


Assignment Due: Blog4


SL Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your SL Essay Proposal


Tuesday October 19   


Assignment Due: SL Proposal Commentary


SL Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your SL Essay Proposal

Thursday October 21   The Practice of Teaching to Change the World


Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 7: Classroom Management: Caring, Respectful, and Democratic Relationships


Resource: The Center for Effective Discipline (CED)


SL Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your SL Essay Proposal


Tuesday October 26   The Practice of Teaching to Change the World

Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 8: Grouping, Tracking, and Categorical Programs: Can Schools Teach All Children Well?


In-class writing assignment WebLog5:  Chapter 8: Grouping, Tracking, and categorical Programs


Thursday October 28




Mid-term due:  Service Learning Essay

Tuesday November 2   The Context of Teaching to Change the World

Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 9: The School Culture: Where Good Teaching Makes Sense


Assignment Due:BLOg6

Thursday November 4


Reading:  Bushnell, Mary.; Henry, Sue Ellen. “The Role of Reflection in Epistemological Change: Autobiography in Teacher Education.” Educational Studies. v. 34 issue 1, 2003, p. 48-59. 




Assignment Due: SL WebLog II

Tuesday November 9   

Discussion:  SL drafts and commentary


Optional: Draft Commentary Due

Thursday November 11



  • Service Learning Experiences 
  • SL drafts and commentary (continued)


Monday November 15

Assignment Due: Final Draft Service Learning Essay


Tuesday November 16  


Reading: Bullough, R.V. and Pinnegar, S. (2001) Guidelines for quality in autobiographical forms of self-study research. Educational Researcher. 30 (3). 13-21.




Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your   Essay Proposal 

Thursday November 18


Assignment Due: Essay Proposal


Conference Period: Schedule a thirty (30) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your   Essay Proposal

Tuesday November 23   No Class -- Happy Thanksgiving



Thursday November 25  No Class -- Happy Thanksgiving



Tuesday November 30  


Assignment Due: Proposal Commentary


Conference Period: Schedule a meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your   Essay Proposal

Thursday  December 2


Assignment Due: Time Line III



  1.  Time Line III
  2. Affinity Groups


Conference Period: Schedule a twenty(20) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your   Essay Proposal

Sunday December 5


Service learning experiences conclude.


Tuesday December 7  Teaching for the Long Haul


Assignment Due:  SL WebLog III


SL Conference Period: Schedule a twenty(20) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your    Final Course Essay


Time Student Name                   
5:20 Elizabeth



Thursday  December 9

SL Conference Period: Schedule a twenty(20) minute meeting with Dr. Shutkin to discuss your    Final Course Essay


Student Name                   
2:40 Karlee


Tuesday December 14  Final class session: 3:00 -- 4:50


Assignment Due: Final Course Essay


ED 253 Fall 2010 Final Exam Schedule


Sign up for a 7 minute presentation on the final day of class


Student Name                   
Time Student Name                         
3:00 Alise 
4:00 Zach
3:07 Allison 
4:07 Catie  
3:14 Jason 
4:14 Sarah
3:21 Robert
4:21 Jennylee 
3:28 Jarod
4:28 Frances 
3:35  Sari  4:35 Andrew 
3:42 Karlee 
4:42 Mallory 
4:49  Amanda  4:49 Elizabeth 
Break   4:56 Rachel 



Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 10: The Community: Engaging with Families and Neighborhoods

Reading: Teaching to Change the World  Chapter 11: Policy and Law: Rules to Make Schools Effective, Efficient, and Equitable

Reading: Chapter 12: Teaching to Change the World: A Profession and a Hopeful Struggle






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