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Page history last edited by David Shutkin 13 years, 9 months ago


/ Assignments / WebLog_Queries / SL Assignments / Evaluation and Integrity  /


Working in the ED253 WebLog environment, create a self-reflective WebLog (on-line journal) to document AND question your service learning experiences. 


(WebLog entries are required following every visit made to your service learning site. A typical blog entry does not exceed 250 words or 2-3 paragraphs).


To help you question and/or better understand your service learning experiences and the conditions that have made these experiences possible, your WebLog is to include but is NOT limited to discussion, analysis and synthesis of the following: 

  1. Narrative accounts describing in rich detail your service learning experiences;
  2. Current and/or historical events that relate to your service learning experiences;
  3. Media events (popular culture such as music, television, film, Internet) that relate to your service learning experiences;
  4. Applications of social and/or cultural theories to analyze, critique, question your service learning experiences.

Consider using one of the following WebLog applications:


Blogger  / Live Journal /  Xanga


(Of course there are many others and you are welcome to work in any environment. 

However, you are required to create a WebLog that can receive comments)


In some instances, but not in every instance, I will present questions or queries to guide your WebLog.


The form of a given WebLog entry is limited by available technology and the rights of the people at the service learning site.   Consider using, in any combination, textual, audio, photographic or videographic information.  (There will be a series of workshops to help you begin producing your WebLog).



Check out each others blogs! Everyone appreciates comments on their blog! 


Jarod Artman
Jason Berger
Andrew Costa Frances Csarny  
Rachel Davis Mallory DeLauro Alise Stawicki Sari Whims  
Jenny Gandarilla Caitlin Hodgson Robert Law Allison Merrill  
Sarah Murray Amanda Musarra Karlee Robinson Elizabeth Sangdahl  
Zachary Moss


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